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Payment & Settings

Estimated reading: 1 minute

Now click on Payment & Settings. Create a Tab title for multi-step form. 

Setup the booking time. Select the type of time and a particular time to expire any booking if a customer could not complete the payment.

Then go for the Personal Information. Create the necessary fields to collect the personal information of a customer to confirm a booking. Set title and subtitle for this section and then create fields for First Name, Last Name, Email, Phone etc as you want. 

Then create a Payment Method portion. Enable the required button and then select the currency that you want to use and  set a title. 

Set the subtitle and select a payment gateway as well as a default gateway.

You can fix the stripe test settings. At first enable the test mode, Then enter the required publishable key and secret key.

You can create a perfect Thank You page for your customers after confirming the booking. Use the shortcode, select a page and position to display the Thank You page. 


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