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Next3 Offload

Quick Start

Estimated reading: 2 minutes

Offload your media to Amazon S3, DigitalOcean Spaces, Wasabi, Bunny CDN or Google Cloud Storage and speed up your website. Offload your Existing Media Library to the Cloud, then rewrite URLs. It can also transfer WordPress all media files to the Cloud automatically.

Thank you so much for purchasing our plugin called Next3 Offload WordPress Plugins. Please feel free to contact us if you have questions or problems about this plugins.

Disable Multisite Option, Then you can disable it using this code: open the editor wp-config.php file and paste this code.

define( 'NEXT3_MULTI_SITE', false);

If WordPress displays an “Error establishing database connection” warning on a blank page, it cannot connect to your database. And your website is offline. However, I’m sure you already know that.

How to get the offload media plugin Next3 Offload?

First, visit ThemeDev’s website. Then click on the Products tab.


Select Next3 Offload among all the products.


Go for Pricing page to buy the plugin.


Here you can purchase a deal for an Annual or a Lifetime deal. It depends on your need.


In both Annual and Lifetime deals, you can find three plans Personal, Developer and Business. Buy one that suits your requirements.


Here, we’ll buy a Business plan for an Annual deal to give you an example.


Provide all necessary information like your first name, last name, email, etc. If you haven’t created an account yet, no need to be worried. After providing this information you’ll automatically have an account.

Inserting all information, click on the Pay Now button to pay for your product plugin.


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